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Books & Ghostwriting

Do you want to turn your experience into a book? Maybe you have a great life story or some original business or self-help ideas. Editing Edge can transform your ideas, research, blogs or training course notes into a book.

Our ghostwriting service will:

  • Identify your best angles
  • Carry out interviews
  • Include colourful anecdotes to make the story vivid
  • Add tributes from family and colleagues
  • Research background material
  • Incorporate case studies, illustrations and whatever else you wish
  • Produce a publication-ready manuscript
  • Liaise with printers
  • Help you self-publish, for example with Amazon.
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“A unique take on the wisdom of quotes. Entertaining and makes you think!”

Neville Isdell, former Coca-Cola Company chairman and CEO, on 365 Quotes

Your book will be an enduring investment. If it is a personal memoir it will give you a priceless chance to pass on your experiences to your children, grandchildren and their children. It will be a legacy, preserving your story in a way so many people are never able to do, and inspiring the generations to come.

If you are selling your expertise, a book can enhance your brand, bring you new customers, increase your reputation for thought leadership and instil trust in your business.

Ghostwriting projects include:

Copy editing

Clio Mitchell is a reliable, experienced copy editor working with publishers to edit and proofread MS, liaise with authors and collaborate with the design team. I happily take on one-off projects or a whole series.

Support for fiction authors

Perhaps you have written some short stories or a novel and are about to send your work to an agent or publisher. Before you do, Editing Edge can ensure it reads easily and is free from embarrassing errors. We can correct typos and grammar, offer a literary opinion, point out any problems of coherence or clarity and may have suggestions about plot, characters and style. A professionally presented document makes a huge difference to a publisher’s attitude to you and your work.

Clients include, and Lightning Books.

how it works