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Creating a punchy video script

By August 17, 2020No Comments

The internet was made for videos.  As the latest figures tell us:

  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. (HubSpot)
  • Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube. (YouTube)
  • 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the last year. (Hubspot)
  • By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. (Cisco)
  • It is estimated that the average person will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos in 2021 (Smartinsights)

Although video is a powerful B2C tool, especially when teamed with social media, it is also being used more by B2B companies looking to increase leads and conversions.  41% of B2B marketers were interested in exploring how videos could be added to their marketing and sales strategies in 2020. (Smartinsights)

So does this spell the demise of the written word therefore putting a copywriter like me out of work?  No, far from it.

Behind any successful business or marketing video is a well-written video script.   Don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s all about the visuals.  We all know a cute cat gets those opening clicks but whether there is just a simple strapline or a full-blown audio commentary, the words you hear and read complete the video and it’s vital to get them right.

That’s where copywriters like Editing Edge come in.  An effective video should make an impact and with the limited attention span we all seem to have nowadays, that impact needs to be punchy and succinct. The images and words need to work together to create a whole story with a simple, clear message.

A good copywriter:

  • will know what words to weave into the video to create impact and tell the story in the most effective way.
  • will ensure you put the right message across.
  • can create that personal tone and get the balance right so you and your business come across well. People buy from people so keep it human.
  • will use your audience’s language with relevant keywords, ensuring you address the key issues your clients might be seeking answers for.
  • will ensure you include a direct call to action or subtly encourage the viewers to take some action after watching.
  • will keep it punchy – copywriters know how to use 10 words when you might use 50. Long videos can mean a lost audience.

Here’s an example of some recent videos I’ve scripted.

And here is a video script I did for myself .


Videos can be a major cost to produce so don’t cut corners when it comes to the script as it really will make or break the video.

Get in touch to discuss your video script. We can work with your video maker before, during or after the visuals are created.





I’m Lesley Hussell and my job is to bring some copywriting magic to your business, so you sell more, inspire your staff or spread your message far and wide. You’ll want to know how I measure up against other copywriters you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your brand. If you’re looking for quick wit, creative thinking and a flair for compelling content writing, you’ve come to the right place.