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Content that’s fresh as a daisy

By May 21, 2018June 12th, 2018No Comments

content ideas

Stuck for inspiration for your latest blog?

Ever had a day where the blank page stares bleakly back at you?  We all know regular fresh content is a key ingredient for a successful website but sometimes the content ideas don’t flow freely.

Let me give you a helping hand.

Having written copy both for print (as a Fleet Street editor) and online for many years, I’ve come across plenty of good copywriting methods.

To keep it bite-sized, I’ve put together two blogs of content ideas that work for most audiences.

Fresh content ideas #1 to #10

(See Content ideas #11 to #20 here).

Top tips and expert insights

Sharing your expertise is a great way to offer other people free help as well as boosting your profile. If you don’t have the expert take on a particular subject, industry or product, interview someone who does.

  1. Share secrets – Always popular and a powerful headline. You could take this a step further by showcasing experts using their own tips and tactics, and sharing the results they achieved.
  2. Beginner’s tips What may seem old hat to you could be an enticing read to your blog audience.
  3. Advanced techniques – Dealing with seasoned experts as well as novices? Cater to different segments of your audience by offering more advanced techniques
  4. How to … A step-by-step guide to resolving a common problem can be a godsend for many readers. If you want supercharged content you can add depth by including costs, equipment reviews and typical challenges, for example.
  5. 10 steps to mastery – 10 steps to mastering anything is always going to be an attention-grabbing blog post.
  6. Tips from other industries or markets – Look outside your own industry, region or country for inspiration and trends. If you’re an accountant, can you find unexpected inspiration in the World Cup? If you’re in sailing, can you derive insights from the City?
  7. Seasonal tips – What seasonal events affect your readers? The weather, festivals, the holiday season – see my blog for more ideas.
  8. Busting myths – The antidote to fake news. Show your industry credentials by debunking theories or busting popular myths that might be stressing out your readers.
  9. What no one tells you about … Another eye-catching headline as you share your expertise
  10. Do’s and don’ts – This concept works across many businesses, from choosing your holiday, to hiring a kitchen designer or even a copywriter!


Discover more content ideas here.

Get writing and add that vital fresh content to your website or newsletter.  And if you need more inspiration for your next blog, download our free Content is King guide – an easy-to-use practical workbook to help you write brilliant content.

I’m Lesley Hussell and my job is to bring some copywriting magic to your business, so you sell more, inspire your staff or spread your message far and wide. You’ll want to know how I measure up against other copywriters you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your brand. If you’re looking for quick wit, creative thinking and a flair for compelling content writing, you’ve come to the right place.