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Should I use a freelance copywriter?

By January 22, 2016January 25th, 2017No Comments

should i use a freelance copywriterYou need to write your latest brochure / website content / newsletter / press release / video script (delete as appropriate) and you are facing the question: should I do it myself or bring in an expert?

Why should you pay someone else to write about your company when, after all, you know it best and, well, it won’t take that long, will it? Surely it’ll save money to keep it in-house.

As a freelance copywriter I’m going to recommend you hand it over to an expert, but here are seven reasons why.



1. A fresh pair of eyes

Do you know your business too well, so you can’t see it through your customers’ eyes? An outsider has the ability to think like your customers. They can ask the right questions to make sure everything’s covered.

An expert copywriter will clearly set out the benefits of doing business with you and make sure you show yourself at your very best.

Of course, you may well ask: “What does a copywriter know about my business?” Well we can’t speak for all copywriters but at Editing Edge our careers in journalism taught us to assimilate and understand new subjects quickly and intelligently.

2. Make it punchy

You might prefer to write the first draft and then hand it over to an expert.

If you show us your stuff we can generally find ways to improve it. Our job is to cut through the details that bog you down to make your marketing punchy and powerful. We will give it clarity and transform ramblings into persuasive prose.

We can take a first draft produced by several contributors and turn it into something that looks really good because it’s coherent and succinct.

3. Flexibility

Whether this is a one-off piece of work or you regularly require copy, you might be considering whether to ask an existing member of staff or even hire someone on a permanent basis.

By using a freelance copywriter, you have no additional headcount and only need to pay for the resource when you need it.

And you can bring in those creative skills straight away if no one in your company is comfortable taking on the role.

4. It’s what we do all the time

You are an expert in your industry, we are the experts in writing.

A copywriter is someone with a clear head who’s good with words when you’re struggling with a brochure, proposal or website.

We’ll take an analytical look, make suggestions and produce a first draft. We hope to be persuasive but anything you don’t like we can change – after all, it’s your business.

5. Value for money

You get what you pay for. An expert copywriter will produce results quickly.

Doing it yourself or passing it to a staff member may appear to save you money. But if it takes five hours when your time could have been better spent bringing in more business, it’s a false economy.

6. An investment that keeps giving back

Good copy is an indispensable part of your marketing and the same words can be used in many different ways, both on and offline. Get it right and it will pay for itself many times over.

stand out from the crowd7. Make you stand out from the crowd

Don’t fade in amongst the competition with the same old dull text. The art of a good copywriter is to make your readers sit up and take notice.


If we’ve answered your question about whether to use a freelance copywriter and you want help with your website, brochure or press release, get in touch with us at Editing Edge.


Related post: 9 questions to ask when choosing a copywriter


I’m Lesley Hussell and my job is to bring some copywriting magic to your business, so you sell more, inspire your staff or spread your message far and wide. You’ll want to know how I measure up against other copywriters you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your brand. If you’re looking for quick wit, creative thinking and a flair for compelling content writing, you’ve come to the right place.