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Athena ladies dig deep

By April 8, 2013April 27th, 2014No Comments

We’ve had a great response from the ladies at Athena Women’s Networking to our appeal for our cause of the year, the Zambia Mud Huts project.


Maddeningly, the big Scafell Pike mountain climb has been postponed until June. Africa volunteer James Raftery arrived in Cumbria at Easter to find Mountain Rescue warning of an avalanche risk, deep snow and a wind chill of minus 14. It’ll now be a Midsummer Scafell Challenge!

A big shout out to the Athena members who have pledged their support:

Sue Rawlings Art parties

Felicia Troia Websites

Shirley Trinkwon Piano teacher

Sarah Palmer Camelsdale Primary School

Glynn Lewis Miglio jewellery

Rachel Maunder Coaching

Tracey Richardson Linking business and charity

Maria Yadegar Mural artist

Caroline Sedgwick Accountant

Thank you.


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