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Factual Writers rule ok

By August 14, 2012No Comments

I’d like to spread the word about a dynamic new group of writers operating around the south coast (though clearly available to work across the country), called Factual Writers.


As the name suggests, the group brings together non-fiction writers working in subjects as diverse as design, science, green issues, food, motoring, investigative journalism, finance, history, architecture, arts & crafts, sport, travel, gardening, music, self-help manuals, families, ghost writing and copywriting for commerce and government.


Publications covered include The Independent, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, the local press, Design Week, New Design, OnOffice, Coast, Etc. Magazine, Country Living, You magazine, Marie-Claire, Ideal Home, BBC Homes & Antiques, Woman & Home, 25 Beautiful Homes, Readers Digest and government white papers.


The aim is to connect writers and publishers, to share knowledge and information, and Editing Edge is tickled pink to have been invited to join.


In addition to actual writing there is a fair spread of editing and publishing experience. So altogether this group has a lot to offer one another without being the least competitive.


Which is just the point. We’re not afraid of publicising the talents of other writers because we know the benefits of creative collaboration and strategic alliances. We’re also fortunate at Editing Edge that our reputation is such that we are never short of work and can pick the clients we work with. Factual Writers looks like being another enjoyable angle.


I’m Lesley Hussell and my job is to bring some copywriting magic to your business, so you sell more, inspire your staff or spread your message far and wide. You’ll want to know how I measure up against other copywriters you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your brand. If you’re looking for quick wit, creative thinking and a flair for compelling content writing, you’ve come to the right place.