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Christmas blogging: last-minute advice

By December 15, 2011No Comments

Ideas to generate more business

It’s not too late to drum up ideas for a festive take on your business that could pull in new customers.

One of the most productive sessions of the Content is King business and social media writing workshop I co-hosted this week was on generating ideas for Christmas blogs.

Bright ideas were sparking fit to power a mile of fairy lights as delegates conjured up ways they could get an ‘angle’ out of the festive season.

From the owner of a chain of hair salons came: ‘From desk to dance floor, how to fix a fantastic hairstyle in 5 minutes.’

From a garden designer: ‘Love the look of Christmas lights in your garden? Tips on year-round feature lighting to make the most of your outdoor space.’

From a family counsellor: ‘One-liner tension busters to save your family Christmas.’

From a fitness coach: ‘How to enjoy Christmas and still lose weight.’

The success of this session underlines I think an important principle of content writing – it’s human examples that make the best impression on your audience, whether you’re writing text for a website, a blog or a case study.

I strongly recommend using real life to help people grasp immediately how you can solve their problems.

A security company could offer: ‘Night security patrols for the price of a cup of coffee, while you enjoy Christmas peace of mind.’

That’s got to be worthwhile, hasn’t it?

While professional photographers can suggest clients might like sparkling shots of the corporate Christmas party, staff pictures for their annual report, a portrait of the Chairman of the Board and coverage of awards ceremonies.

In other words, they’re giving clients plenty of reasons to buy, time and again


I’m Lesley Hussell and my job is to bring some copywriting magic to your business, so you sell more, inspire your staff or spread your message far and wide. You’ll want to know how I measure up against other copywriters you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your brand. If you’re looking for quick wit, creative thinking and a flair for compelling content writing, you’ve come to the right place.